Taiwan has second highest rate of rainfall of the world, but also placed 18th at the country that suffer from water supply. Urban citizens have easy access to water and take it for granted. Taiwan has one of the cheapest water usage fee in the world, cause Taiwanese forgot how precious pure water is.
GR,City Yeast and Aveda use innovative way to aware people the importance of water resources. Installation art products in Taipei Champs-Élysées Avenue, interactive structures with the voice from the nature, sounds from the ocean, rivers, songs sang by kids, etc. Allow urban people to hear the sound of water from the mother nature.
One kid passes away cause by lacking clean water every 21 seconds around the world. In order to avoid this kind of tragedy, we shall all do our best to protect our water resources.
Aveda's vision "connecting beauty,environment and well-being."
GR,City Yeast and Aveda are trying to aware people the importance of water.
Image, sound, and feeling are used to making connection between people and water resource.
Different parts offer different experience.
A basket of water world.
Aveda products support of our mission "to care for the world we live in"
Aveda - Water Warrior from NAGAAKI SHAW on Vimeo.
Aveda - Water Warrior-A9 MITSHKOSHI from NAGAAKI SHAW on Vimeo.
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